Date: 27/03/22

Blog: This is the my story Because of which I am against eating A whole spoon of coffee in one-go.
21/03/22, I was in the First sem. of IT-Diploma. Today(21/03/22), I had My first offline exam of Python. I had not Studied, had a very long math exam a day before. Morning 5:45, I realised that I was going to get a very crowded bus to the college,
hence I coud'nt study while going to college. f*ck!!, right? all my mind was going through was exam....chapter2...4..."I don't know any theory".... had to complete it ASAP. the panicLevel? Extreme, The last option remained? I had to do It. F*ck, right? and I did it. I have had known this since I was in 8th Grade,
the idea was to make coffee, and i made it, it was not enough; I still felt soo sleepy that I coud'nt read properly. I have been Heavily restricted to consume any mode of caffeine, coud'nt keep up with it! but I had to make it to exam with atleast 63% of knowledge, coud'nt let my gpa fall down, could I? I took the risk, it was acceptable by me for my exams, obviously it was.
Sooo, I ate the whole spoon of bare coffee, and boy I was Wake as an owl. I made me complete about 76% of my course, one hour it took can you believe it??? is that the end of story, no it's not. I Got ready with 110% of My energy and went to the BRTS Stand. Feeling Wake as hell, energy level 8867%-andIncreasing

So-far, every thing is going better than well. Station no.27 arrives, sudden feeling of vibration and anxiety comes through. Woahh!(a rather big one) f*ck, WTH is Happening, Now it is going extreme, no
it is far more than extreme. This is giving me panic attacks, I cannot Breathe properly - the involuntary function went manual, weird thing that the girl standing infront of me is trying to push into my legs like am I trippin too much ??, god stop this. I stood up from my seat and tried to breath, I look back and some-one else already took it, Great! what else can be great?? Now it came down slowly rather in a high velocity. feeling a bit okay, I stood near the front-left-3rd window and in just 10min. a great amount of crowd is in the bus, more than there should be, the panic attacks started again and now it is this strange deja-vu that the glass behind me falls off.

No tf. It coud'nt. Stop no.36 arrives, just 2 stops to my college, but this day is a Weird day hence, the glass behind me really fell off because of the crowd. Now I am worried, the panic attacks already stoppd WTF is happening???? I got out of the bus and started walking towards my collage; about 1 km it was, with tied legs I reach my college. The exam goes Great; thanks No thanks to caffeine. Well ok now I meet an old friend and WTH is he doin' here?? I ask the same question and he is in The CS class in my college. On the way home IDK why but a lot of females Were staring right to me(including Karens) F*ck (repeting Dialog/*) WTHC(why-in-the-holy-cunt) is this happening????bro I mean I just wanna Go home!!!. Arrived to the station near my home, Sign of relief time>5:35pm. The day is over. I am thinking about all the trippin things that happened today. A Moral of the story: DOnt' Morphine or Caffiene or DONOTEATAWHOLESPOONOFCOFFEE. Cuse it Messes With The brain and I dont wanna loose the control. I am the root user and the kernel.