Date: 08/08/22

Blog: BASH-BITCH, Seems kinda sus name But believe me, It's not.
Originally I cameup with an idea to make a script like the godlike "ani-cli", but to stream movies instead of anime Because there isn't one {proper} Existing to my Knowledge. First Thought? I am good with python, lets make a python script[base] then only to be executed by my Bash-Bitch[/PY-Bitch].

I started with finding a server of pirates to make the script scrap it and make it minimal. BTW there is nothing minimal in the code but the ui is minimal. I found "vidsrc" site that I originally found from a banned(removed) app well known as the 'Cloudstream'. It uses the imdb ID to arrange and locate movies. Logic found! use imdb search module to then extract url and replace it with the vidsrc url[keeping the ID]. Hence, url locates the video file ie.The movie/series.

Problem remains, I completed till the base but how do I play it. Turns out that the video url is an Embedded video URL, F#*k man I think I'm already done with project. but why should I even bother to use a video player? I can just use a webbrowser :| Damn, I had my answer then what else, i Just added another module. the other module is a bit more of problamatic to use. It's module: "webbrowser". The shittiest yet most helpful to me. Now That is How, I have achieved my first script. To use this script visit " ".